Brazilian Authentic Mining and Finest Gemstones
From the Brazilian mines to the top of the world, outstanding mining opportunities for different investor profiles. investments are carefully selected by our team.
Gold, Beryllium, Tantalum, Niobium and Iron Ore, among others, are quite rewarding assets in different projects at various phases of development.
We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our business relationships .
Our partnership with Bedrikow Legal Counsel and GEthics is also a precious asset in legal and AML & ESG compliance guarantees.
Our Gemstones team selects at their origin the finest Brazilian Gemstones for the gemstone market, industry, craftsmanship and individuals, (Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Emerald, Garnet, Imperial Topaz, Rubellite, Tourmaline Paraiba etc).
Due diligence, KYC procedures, and NDA-NCA are part of our ongoing process of trust building.